Situation 1
A Team A player slashes at an opponent but only contacts Team B player’s stick, knocking it out of their hand. What penalty, if any, should be assessed?
A minor or a major plus game misconduct penalty for slashing must be assessed. Rule References 634(a and b).
The opponent’s stick is considered to be an extension of the player, so any slashing action directed at the stick must also be penalized.
Situation 2
For a slashing penalty to be assessed, must stick contact be made with the opposing player?
No. Rule Reference 634(a).
If the object of a slashing motion is to intimidate an opponent or to actually try to strike them, stick contact is not necessary in order for a penalty to be assessed.
Situation 3
What criteria should be used to determine when a match penalty for slashing should be assessed?
If the swinging the stick action is deemed to have recklessly endangered the opponent, then a major plus game misconduct penalty or a match penalty must be assessed. Rule Reference 634 (b and c).
The Referee will need to use good judgment as to the severity of the action in determining when to assess a major plus game misconduct or match penalty. If there has been no legal attempt to play the puck and the two-handed swinging action is used as a means to punish or intimidate the opponent, the major plus game misconduct or match penalty options should be assessed. If the action is a baseball like swing using excessive force and targets directly at the knees, to the back of the legs or above the pants, then the match penalty is likely warranted.
Situation 4
A player swings his stick at an opponent during the course of an altercation. What penalty or penalties must be assessed?
The Referee has three options in this type of situation. Rule Reference 634(d).
(1) Minor penalty for slashing plus a game misconduct,
(2) Major penalty for slashing plus a game misconduct,
(3) Match penalty for recklessly endangering an opponent.
Situation 5
The goalkeeper has frozen the puck with their glove when an attacking player comes in and makes stick contact with the goalkeeper’s glove. The puck comes free prior to the Referee blowing the whistle to stop play. Should the Referee allow play to continue?
No. Rule Reference 634(e).
Once the goalkeeper has clearly covered the puck, any stick contact with the glove must be penalized as slashing. The puck is considered frozen at the time the Referee determines it has been covered and play has stopped at that time, even though it may take a fraction of a second to blow the whistle.