A goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty for which his team places a substitute player on the penalty bench. Prior to the completion of the ensuing face-off the goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Can this penalty be added to the penalty that his substitute is serving?
Yes. Rule Reference 407(a).
It is not necessary to send another player who was on the ice at the time of the infraction to the penalty bench. The substitute player will serve both minor penalties since they were assessed to the same goalkeeper.
A goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty for which his team places a substitute player on the penalty bench. Prior to the completion of the ensuing face-off the substitute player is assessed a minor penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Can this penalty be added to the penalty that the substitute is serving?
No. Rule Reference 407(a).
This is a penalty to a designated player who has not yet begun serving the goalkeeper’s penalty. Thus the team must designate another player who was on the ice at the time of the goalkeeper’s penalty to serve that penalty. The originally designated player serves his minor penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Thus the team will be shorthanded by two players for two minutes.
The Team A goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty for which the team places a substitute player on the penalty bench. While the penalty is being served, the substitute player who is on the penalty bench is assessed a minor penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Is the minor penalty added to the penalty he is currently serving for the goalkeeper or is the team required to place another player on the penalty bench to serve the remainder of the first penalty?
A separate minor penalty is posted on the clock and the player who was serving the penalty for the goalkeeper (and was assessed the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty) now serves this new minor penalty. The team is required to place another player (who was on the ice when this new minor is assessed) on the penalty bench to serve the remainder of the goalkeeper’s penalty. Rule Reference 407(a).
Thus the team will be short-handed by two players for the amount of time remaining on the original goalkeeper penalty.
A goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty for which his team places a substitute player on the penalty bench. Following resumption of play, the goalkeeper is assessed an additional minor penalty. Can this penalty be added to the penalty that his substitute is serving?
No. Rule Reference 407(a).
This penalty must be served by a player who was on the ice at the time of the second infraction to the goalkeeper. Once play resumes, the player designated to serve the first goalkeeper penalty serves it as though it was assessed on him.
Who would serve the penalty for a substitute goalkeeper on the players’ bench who incurs a penalty?
Any player designated by the Coach, other than a goalkeeper, who was on the ice at the time of the infraction. Rule Reference 407(a).
This situation is treated the same as a bench minor penalty assessed to a team.
A team’s goalkeeper is injured and his team elects to designate a temporary goalkeeper, as they do not have a substitute goalkeeper. The temporary goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty. Is he required to serve the penalty and may another player become the temporary goalkeeper?
No to both questions. Rule References 407(a) and Glossary.
The Glossary specifically states that the temporary goalkeeper is governed by goalkeeper privileges and limitations. These penalties must be served by another player on the ice when the penalty infraction is committed.
A goalkeeper is assessed a minor penalty for slashing. He proceeds to verbally abuse the Referee and is assessed a minor penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. He continues the abuse and is assessed a misconduct penalty for continued abuse. Who serves the penalties for the goalkeeper?
A player on the ice at the time of the infraction shall serve all of the penalties. Rule References 407(a).
The team will also need to place an additional player on the penalty bench immediately who shall serve the minor penalties and return to the ice upon their expiration.
The Referee signals a delayed penalty on the goalkeeper of Team A. During the delay Team A changes all players. Are the officials required to memorize the numbers of the players who left the ice surface and make one of them serve the penalty?
Yes. Rule Reference 407(a).
The Rule clearly states that the player designated to serve the goalkeeper’s penalty must be on the ice at the time of the infraction. This is when the goalkeeper actually committed the foul and not at the moment play was stopped.
Player A of the Red Team is serving a minor penalty. The Blue Team has possession of the puck and the Red Team’s goalkeeper commits an infraction. The Referee immediately signals a delayed penalty. During the period of the delay, the penalty to player A terminates and he returns to the ice. The Red Team gains possession of the puck, play is stopped and the penalty to the goalkeeper is reported. Is player A allowed to serve the penalty for the goalkeeper?
No. Rule Reference 407(a).
He must be on the ice at the time the offense was committed in order to be eligible to serve the penalty to the goalkeeper.
A goalkeeper has been assessed a misconduct penalty. The substitute player who is serving the penalty is on the penalty bench, but before play resumes the goalkeeper is assessed a game misconduct penalty. Should the player serving the misconduct penalty be allowed to return to the game?
Yes. Rule References 407(a & b).
The goalkeeper is sent to the dressing room for the remainder of the game and replaced by the substitute goalkeeper. The substitute player serving the misconduct penalty is allowed to return to the game immediately.
If a goalkeeper receives a major and a game misconduct penalty for slashing, does the player designated to serve the major penalty have to enter the penalty bench immediately?
Yes (Youth). No (Adults). Rule Reference 407(b) and 403(d).
A player designated to serve the major penalty of a goalkeeper must be placed on the penalty bench immediately (all Youth classifications), unless the coincident major penalty rule applies. No substitute is required for Adult classifications.
A goalkeeper in the act of going to his players’ bench is over the center red line when he is accidentally struck by the puck. Is a minor penalty for playing the puck over the center red line applicable?
No. Rule Reference 407(c).
The goalkeeper is not considered to be participating in the play if the puck contact was accidental.
Would it be considered legal for a goalkeeper whose skates are beyond the center red line to play the puck which is still on the same side of center red line as the goal he is defending?
No. Rule Reference 407(c).
A minor penalty would be assessed to the goalkeeper. In this situation the determining factor is the position of the goalkeeper’s skates and not the puck.