(a) A team must start a game with a minimum of six players. Any time that a team has been reduced to less than four players, the game shall be declared a forfeit.
A maximum of 20 players, in which not more than 18 are skaters, shall be permitted to play in the game.
(b) Each team shall designate on the scoresheet a Head Coach prior to the start of the game. The Head Coach shall be in control of and responsible for the actions of all team personnel, including players.
A team may have up to four Team Officials on the players’ bench. Only players in uniform and properly rostered Team Officials may occupy the players’ bench.
A player on the team roster who is unable to play (other than through suspension), may be on the team bench without being considered a Team Official if they are wearing the team jersey and all required head and face protective equipment. However, this player must not be included on the game sheet as an eligible player.
If at any time during the game, through penalties, illness, or any other reasons, there are no Team Officials on the players’ bench to be in control of and responsible for the team, the game shall continue provided there is adult supervision on the bench. If no adult supervision is available, the referee shall suspend the game and submit a report to the proper authorities.
(c) Any Team Official assessed a game misconduct penalty or a match penalty or serving a suspension penalty may not be near the bench of their team, nor in any way communicate or attempt to direct the play of their team.