A player is assessed a minor penalty in addition to a misconduct or game misconduct penalty, may his team wait until the minor penalty is near expiration before placing the additional player on the penalty bench?
No. Rule Reference 404(a).
When the player is assessed a misconduct or game misconduct in addition to a non-coincident minor penalty, his team must place an additional player on the penalty bench immediately.
A player is assessed a coincident minor or major penalty in addition to a misconduct or game misconduct penalty. Is the team required to place an additional player on the penalty bench?
No. Rule Reference 404(a).
Since the on-ice strength is not affected by any of the assessed penalties, there is no need for the team to place an additional player on the penalty bench to serve the coincident penalty.
A player is assessed a non-coincident minor or major penalty in addition to a misconduct or game misconduct penalty. Who must serve the minor or major penalty?
Any non-penalized player, except a goalkeeper. Rule References 404(a).
(For Youth, Girls’ and High School Classifications) For a minor or major penalty, the designated player must enter the penalty bench immediately.
(For Adult Classifications) For a minor penalty, the designated player must enter the penalty bench immediately. For a major penalty, the team is not required to place an additional player on the penalty bench and would be permitted to replace the penalized player on the ice from the player’s bench upon the expiration of the major penalty.
In all cases where the minor or major penalties are assessed as coincident penalties, there is no need for the offending team to place an additional player on the penalty bench as on-ice strength has not been affected.
A player has been assessed a second misconduct penalty in the same game. At the time the penalty is assessed, the Penalty Timekeeper fails to notify the Referee that the player has just received their second misconduct in one game, calling for a game misconduct penalty. The situation is brought to the attention of the Referee at some point after play resumes. What action should the Referee take?
Assess the game misconduct penalty and remove the player from the game as soon as the Referee becomes aware of the oversight. Rule Reference 404(a).
A player has been assessed a second misconduct penalty in the same game. The Referee is not aware of the fact that the player had received two misconduct penalties in the same game and thus should have been assessed a game misconduct penalty. What happens if the player later scores a goal while illegally in the game?
In this instance, the goal shall be allowed, but the player must be assessed the required game misconduct as soon as the Referee becomes aware of the oversight. Rule References 404(a) and 203(a).
The onus of assessing the game misconduct penalty is on the Game Officials. A team cannot be denied any goals scored by a player who should not have been in the game. If the omission is discovered after the game, the Referee shall still assess the appropriate game misconduct penalty and submit the required incident report.
Is it possible for a player to be assessed more than one game misconduct penalty in the same game?
Yes. Rule Reference 404(b).
There are several scenarios where a player could put themselves in a position to be assessed multiple game misconduct penalties (e.g. Major plus game for a high stick that causes injury and then is first to intervene in an altercation). In all instances, the appropriate penalties must be assessed to hold the player accountable for their actions.
May a player or coach who is serving a suspension for a game misconduct be on the players’ bench or penalty bench for that game, not in uniform, assisting with opening doors or other functions?
No. Rule References 404(b and c).
The player’s suspension involves being prohibited from the bench area and participating in the game in any manner. The player or coach would not be allowed to participate in team activities for 45 minutes prior to the game through 30 minutes after the conclusion of the game.