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Penalty Timekeeper

Situation 1

The Penalty Timekeeper enters coincident minor penalty time on the penalty clocks, and this action is not noticed by the Referee until play has resumed. Should this penalty time display be corrected at a stoppage of play, or allowed to continue until those penalties have expired?

The situation should be corrected at the first stoppage of play. Rule Reference 507(b).

While it may be argued that this display will give the teams accurate information regarding time remaining, the procedure is to not place coincident penalty times on the clock. Following this procedure will minimize confusion regarding on-ice strength, when the penalized players are eligible to return to the ice and the proper termination of a minor penalty if a goal was scored.

Situation 2

Why are spare goalkeepers and extra players not permitted to occupy the penalty bench?

The area may be unsupervised and allowing non-penalized players on the penalty bench may create confusion as to on-ice numerical strength. Rule Reference 507(c).