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Match Penalties

Situation 1

A player is assessed a Match Penalty. Under what circumstances must the team place a substitute player on the penalty bench?

In all instances except when coincident major or match penalties are assessed. Rule References 405(a) and 403(c).

If the coincident major rule permits immediate substitution, the team is not required to place a substitute player on the penalty bench. Rule Reference 405(b).

If the coincident major rule permits offsetting of part of that player’s penalty (i.e., he received a Minor penalty plus a Match penalty and an opposing player received a Match penalty), a substitute player must immediately enter the penalty bench to serve the penalty disparity.

If the team must skate short-handed for the full duration of the Match Penalty, a substitute player must enter the penalty bench immediately (for Youth, Girls’ and High School Classifications) or before the expiration of the Match Penalty (Adult Classifications). Rule Reference 405(a).

Situation 2

Who serves a Match penalty assessed to a team official?

The penalty shall be served by any non-penalized player of the team who was on the ice at the time of the infraction, except the goalkeeper. Rule Reference 405(a).

The offending team is required to place a player on the penalty bench immediately (for Youth, Girls’ and High School Classifications) or prior to the expiration of the Match Penalty (for Adult Classifications).

Situation 3

When a match penalty is assessed, what obligation does the official(s) have to report the incident?

In all instances where a match penalty is assessed, the official(s) should provide a verbal report of the incident to their Local Supervisor of Officials immediately following the game. Rule Reference 405(c Note).

The report should then be followed up in writing and forwarded to the Proper Authorities as soon as possible. The official(s) need to be aware of the procedure used for filing game reports in their area and follow this procedure in order to ensure the information gets into the proper hands for further disciplinary action.

Situation 4

The Coach is removed from the bench and assessed a Match penalty. He refuses to leave the immediate area of the players’ bench so he can direct the play of his team. What penalties shall be assessed to the Coach or his team?

A bench minor penalty shall be assessed to the team of the offending Coach for Refusal to Start Play. Rule References 404(d) and 633(a).

If the coach still refuses to leave the area, the Referee will have no alternative but to follow the refusal to start play progression under Rule 633(a).

Situation 5

In general, what types of non-physical actions would constitute the assessment of a Match Penalty?

Match Penalties are assessed for actions that are socially unacceptable and have absolutely no place in the hockey environment. Rule Reference 404(e).

There are few instances where a match penalty may be assessed for actions that are deemed to be “critically detrimental to the conducting of the game” AND are not covered elsewhere in the rules. In these instances, the official is advised to be sure to submit the proper game report to the proper authorities and allow them to take whatever action is deemed appropriate.

A match penalty cannot be assessed as the final progression for verbal abuse as these actions are covered elsewhere in the rules.

Situation 6

If a player or coach, who is also an official, receives a match penalty can that official still officiate games while the situation is being reviewed before a hearing is held?

No – pending review by their District Referee-in-Chief. Rule Reference 405(c).

A player or coach, who is also an official and receives a match penalty MUST report the match penalty to their District Referee-in-Chief and their Assignor(s) immediately. They are not eligible to officiate games until a review and determination has been made by the District Referee-in-Chief. The player or coach may be reinstated as an official and eligible to work games by the District Referee-in-Chief until the hearing is conducted with the Hearing Body having final say on disciplinary matters pertaining to playing, coaching or officiating.

Situation 7

What consideration should the officials give to the new Standardized Discipline guidelines when deciding to assess a match penalty?

None. Rule Reference 405(c).

The officials’ role is to simply make the call on the ice based on the incident that occurred and the playing rules. The length of any potential suspension should not factor into the decision as the standardized discipline guidelines are designed to hold the player/coach accountable for their actions while still protecting the rights of the individual player/coach. Enforce the rules based on the action that occurred and then submit the required incident report and the official would have fulfilled their obligation.