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Composition of Teams

Situation 1

A team arrives with only five players, but is willing to play the entire game short-handed. Should the game be played?

No. Rule Reference 201(a).

A team is defined as having six players. If a team cannot put six players on the ice at the start of the game, it is not considered a “team” and must forfeit the game to its opponent.

Situation 2

During the game, through injuries and penalties, a team is unable to place four players on the ice. Can the game proceed?

No. Rule References 201(a) and 408(a).

Any time a team is reduced to below four players on the ice during a game for any reason, the game shall be forfeited. Players in the penalty bench with delayed penalties are not permitted to participate in the game (on the ice) or leave the penalty bench until their penalties expire.

Situation 3

During the game a Team Captain advises the Referee that the opposing team has more than the allowable number of Team Officials occupying the players’ bench. What action should the Referee take?

Once the Referee has become aware of the violation, they shall direct the offending team to reduce the number of Team Officials on the players’ bench to a maximum of four. Rule References 201(b) and 610(h).

No penalty is assessed at that time. However, if the situation is not corrected or occurs again during the same game, the Referee shall assess a bench minor penalty for delaying the game to the offending team.

Situation 4

During the course of the game, a team no longer has a properly registered coach available to them on the bench. Can the game continue?

Yes. Rule Reference 201(b).

The game shall be allowed to continue provided that team has adult supervision on the players’ bench. This person may come from the stands and should be a registered member of USA Hockey in some capacity. If no such person is available, the game should be suspended and a report provided to the proper authorities.

Situation 5

During the course of the game the referee is notified that Players or Team Officials that have received a previous suspension are participating in the game. The suspended individuals did not sit out or fulfill their obligated suspension time. Should the referee penalize the offending team?

No. Rule Reference 201(c).

The referee may not be aware of the time period that has taken place between games and therefore cannot enforce suspensions to Players or Team Officials. The referee is required to report the incident to the proper authorities for further review.

Situation 6

A player/coach is suspended for the team’s next regularly scheduled game and because of circumstances out of the control of the player/coach, the opponent forfeits the game. Does this forfeited game count towards serving the suspension?

The Proper Authorities that govern the team involved should make that determination. Rule Reference 201(c).

There may be some special circumstances that warrant the suspension being served (i.e. Game forfeited while both teams are on site due to circumstances out of the offending player/ coach control). It is best that the Proper Authorities take into consideration the circumstances involved and the “good faith” effort of the suspended party to serve the suspension while reviewing each instance. There are also situations (the game is forfeited days in advance) where the suspension would definitely not be considered served.